

The Art Of Telling A Good Story

I come from a long line of great story tellers.  And, marketing in its purest form is just that, telling great stories.

Elements of a Great Story


Start with a Message

Every storytelling exercise should begin by asking: Who is my audience and what is the message I want to share with them? Each decision about your story should flow from those questions.  First settle on your ultimate message; then you can figure out the best way to illustrate it.


Mine Your Own Experiences

The best storytellers look to their own memories and life experiences for ways to illustrate their message. What events in your life make you believe in the idea you are trying to share?  There may be a tendency not to want to share personal details, but anecdotes that illustrate struggle, failure, and barriers overcome are what makes the story authentic.


Highlight A Struggle

A story without a challenge simply isn’t very interesting. Good storytellers understand that a story needs conflict.. Is there a competitor that needs to be bested? A challenge that needs to be overcome? A well-crafted story embedded with a rallying cry leads people to become your partners in the story and participate in the journey


Practice Makes Perfect

Storytelling is a real art form that requires repeated effort to get right. Continue to work  to hone your message into the most effective and efficient story. And remember that the rewards can be immense. Stories are the original viral tool! Long before there was a internet, newspapers or even stone tablets, there were great stories!